90 Day Planner New Design 2018

Hi there!

 Thank you for downloading this planner!! I amso excited for you. This planner has helped thousands of people over the past year and I've addedafew notes below that will helpyou get the most impact. Important: You can start this planneranytime, it does not needto be at the beginning of the year. Today can be week 1 and yourannual plan can be yourgoals for the rest of the year. Although, it is easier if you do start the plannerat the beginning of amonth. Step 1: Set aside an hour in aquiet spot to go through looking back, vision journal andyourannual plan. Share this with a friend, coach oraccountability partner. It's way more fun to do this with a friend. Don't worry about it being perfect. Just jot down whatevercomes to yourmindfirst. When you complete yourannual plan, don't worry about adding too much detail. Just post the highlights of what you want to accomplish each quarter of the next year. Step 2: Set aside anotherhourto create yourquarter 1 page, 90-day plan andmonth 1 pages. You can reference yourannual plan to helpyou create yourgoals for the next 90 days which shouldmake this stepalot easier. Then, simplify all your tasks into 30/60/90-day increments so you know what to focus on each month. Step 3: Make acommitment to create anew 90-day plan every 90 days, create anew monthly plan every month andplan out yourweek every week. This consistent action won't take long andis crucial to yoursuccess. Addatime in yourcalendar every week where you will do yourweekly planning for 30 minutes. I do my weekly planning every Sunday evening before the week starts no matterwhat. On Friday at the endof the week, I write down what didn't get done during the week andon Sunday evening I create my weekly plan for the next week. It's importantthat before you go into the workweek, you know whatto focus on. Step 4: Don't forget to celebrate! At the endof this planner, you'll findacelebrate page which is so important to review your quarter, so you can plan better for the next 90 days. If you stickwith it, you'll find that this plannerwill become part of your routine andif you don't do it, you'll feel abit lost. Planning time will become ahabit andyou will reach yourgoals, even with a superbusy schedule. Feel free to let us know how we can supportyou andplease share yourwins andsuccesses. You totally got this!! Happy planning!

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